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Reopen the last project while starting android studio.

Android Studio Tips:- Following are two simple tips on android studio. 1)To reopen the last project while starting android studio. 2)To open new projects always in new window by default. Please follow below steps to get it done. 1)Open Android Studio. 2)Go to Menu item and select File, then select 'Settings'. Then you will get a new window as below. And please activate the following option in above window 1.Reopen the last poject on starup 2.Open new projects in new window Fine, everything is Ok. Happy coding

Android Project Treble

Following topics gives an overview and basic Understanding on Android Project Treble Topics : 1) Introduction 2) Why Treble introduced? 3) Typical Android OS release steps 4) Introducing VINTF layer 5) Before and After Treble Project  Testing Treble 6) Summary Introduction : Basically it is android OS framework level change to enable easiest OS update for manufacturers. The Android 8.0 release includes Project Treble, a major re-architect of the Android OS framework designed to make it easier, faster, and less costly for manufacturers to update devices to a new version of Android. Treble is for all new devices launching with Android 8.0 and beyond (the new architecture is already running on the Developer Preview for Pixel phones). Treble is the one of the biggest changes introduced to Android Oreo, but one that consumers won’t even notice as it works primarily behind the scenes. Why Treble introduced? Following gives a pictorial representation of  typical...